
Wind Energy is the energy received from the movement of the wind across the earth. This energy is a result of the heating of our oceans, earth, and atmosphere by the sun.

The wind is caused by the uneven heating of the surface of our earth by the sun. The reason for the uneven heating is due to the different surfaces of our earth (land and water).

Air above land mass heats up more rapidly during the day time, while the air above water will heat up at a slower rate. As the air above the land rises and expands (due to heating), the cooler air above the water will rush in to fill its place. It is this process which causes the wind the blow, as the wind is the force of air rushing to fill a gap.

During the night, the process is slightly different, and instead of the air heating, the air cools. The air above land mass will loose heat more rapidly than the air above the water, resulting in air from the land rushing to fill air over the water.

Larger winds are generally found closer to the equator, as the air will generally heat and cool more rapidly, reducing in a greater wind force.

We are able to harness energy from the wind, and turn this into renewable electricity. Wind energy is reliable providing the correct location and most appropriate wind turbine design is researched.

There are numerous wind energy facts available on the internet, which will provide additional information on wind energy, and help to provide a more detailed definition of this form of energy.

The wind will blow as long as the sun shines down on earth. As more efficient wind harnessing technologies become available, we will be able to take advantage of this clean, renewable energy source.

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